On The Bird & The Rifle (out July 29 on CN Records/Thirty Tigers), Lori McKenna continues to occupy a niche once shared by a lot more country music. Before it bro’d down, country prided itself on writing about real relationships […]
On The Bird & The Rifle (out July 29 on CN Records/Thirty Tigers), Lori McKenna continues to occupy a niche once shared by a lot more country music. Before it bro’d down, country prided itself on writing about real relationships […]
Reprinted from Modern Acoustic magazine (www.modernacoustic.com). To download the full issue pdf, click HERE. FAVORITE ALBUMS “Numbered Doors,” by Lori McKenna and “Milltowns,” by Mark Erelli These two locally produced albums are as authentic and moving as any released nationally. After […]
A recording session is stopped abruptly, and a new-to-town songwriter is introduced, brought in to “fix” the projected hit song for Miss Rayna James, Nashville’s Queen of Country Music. The stranger doesn’t fit the mold of the shiny country music […]
FRESH TRACK: Ghost Hounds – “House A Home”Check it out
SPONSORED BY Gibson Records