For a number of years I worked with one of the foremost tapers and traders of live concert bootlegs. He has a remarkable memory for nuance and can distinguish small details between performances of the same song throughout a tour. […]
For a number of years I worked with one of the foremost tapers and traders of live concert bootlegs. He has a remarkable memory for nuance and can distinguish small details between performances of the same song throughout a tour. […]
This EP comes quickly on the heels of the full-length The Ride, serving as a companion piece and providing further evidence of Los Lobos’ impressive versatility. The Ride featured guest collaborations from a variety of musicians, some of them idols, […]
When a seasoned act gets around to releasing a cameo-filled album, it’s typically time for cynical critics to sharpen their carving knives. Maybe the album is stacked with lesser talents whose commercial fortunes have exceeded the principal artist. Or the […]
It seems like just yesterday that Los Lobos soared out of East L.A. on a hot wind blast of Mexican-American roots music and punk-inspired DIY spirit. The fact that the lineup is the same as it’s been since the get-go […]
FRESH TRACK: TT – “My Confession”Check it out