Stories From a Rock N Roll Heart, Lucinda Williams’ first album since suffering a stroke in November 2020, plays directly to those kids in the high school parking lot during a Friday night football game in the era when they’d […]
Stories From a Rock N Roll Heart, Lucinda Williams’ first album since suffering a stroke in November 2020, plays directly to those kids in the high school parking lot during a Friday night football game in the era when they’d […]
When Lucinda Williams entered Ray Kennedy’s studio with her longtime road band in September 2019 to begin work on Good Souls Better Angels, her 15th and most direct, topical album yet, neither she nor we had any idea of how […]
This isn’t a “best of 2018” list in the traditional sense. That’s because a) I know you’re being inundated with year-end lists, so I thought I’d switch mine up a bit, and b) this year I listened to a lot […]
I keep saying that none of the big issues facing our world today will even matter if we’re no longer able to survive on this planet. When Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Paris Agreement, it was a huge […]
The thing one notices about Nashville these days is the confusing amount of construction and the cranes that litter its skyline. So it was quite a juxtaposition to drive into a town with near empty streets, deserted by any reasonable standard. […]
FRESH TRACK: Ghost Hounds – “House A Home”Check it out
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