You see what I did up there in the title, right? Uppercase D-I-S-C in order to accentuate that this column is going to be all about my travels throughout the world in a quest to find hidden and long forgotten […]
You see what I did up there in the title, right? Uppercase D-I-S-C in order to accentuate that this column is going to be all about my travels throughout the world in a quest to find hidden and long forgotten […]
Seven years ago, just before Marissa Nadler’s 30th birthday, I watched a simple homemade video that was uploaded to Couch By Couch West, the online fest alternative to SXSW that launched in 2011 and sadly faded away after five years. […]
Welcome to the front porch of The Real Easy Ed, where each week I curate, aggregate and update news, events, images, ideas, sound, fury, odds and ends. Just a little place to pause for a few minutes, get out of the […]
Four years ago on this site, I posted an interview I had with a woman from Boston by the name of Marissa Nadler. She had been described somewhere on the web by various somebodies as both “the indie-folk pinup girl […]
FRESH TRACK: Lilly Hiatt – “Shouldn’t Be”Check it out
SPONSORED BY New West Records