The new album from Mekons is not your typical fare for these pages. Deserted runs through a broad range of musical styles including punk, alt folk, even prog rock. It is a delight, but only for those with an eclectic bent when […]
The new album from Mekons is not your typical fare for these pages. Deserted runs through a broad range of musical styles including punk, alt folk, even prog rock. It is a delight, but only for those with an eclectic bent when […]
Jon Langford has had a prolific musical career, releasing many stellar albums solo and with the Mekons, the Three Johns, the Pine Valley Cosmonauts, Skull Orchard, and the Waco Brothers. His most recent album, Four Lost Souls, is so different […]
You rock, Jon! Thanks to our friends at Bloodshot Records.
Over the Mekons’ 25-year history, the band’s strongest works have been the result of flat-out ballsy experiments in synthesizing disparate musical forms. It may be country, punk, folk, loops and samples, or spoken word that they’re blending into the mix, […]
For those who passed on 1985’s there-and-gone vinyl or ’89’s contextualizing value-pak Original Sin, here’s yet another iteration of this seminal alt-country touchstone. Its roguish charm and unkempt forward lurch remain resilient and undiminished, and its doomed but undaunted worldview […]
And what beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born? — William Butler Yeats, “The Second Coming” By definition the record industry is structurally compelled to produce waste in vast unimaginable quantities. — Mekons, Living […]
Fifteen-odd years into the digital age, and I still don’t know what to call these damn things — odds and sods, scrap piles, dung heaps. But no matter what you call them, these collections of outtakes, soundtrack contributions, EP cuts […]
FRESH TRACK: Ghost Hounds – “House A Home”Check it out
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