They come on late at night. You see them all sitting in a row onstage as they do their celebrity rat pack roasts packaged and available on dvd. As Sammy Davis and Don Rickles stand up to deliver one punchline […]
They come on late at night. You see them all sitting in a row onstage as they do their celebrity rat pack roasts packaged and available on dvd. As Sammy Davis and Don Rickles stand up to deliver one punchline […]
How many Slim Harpo recordings do you know? Perhaps you’ve heard “Raining in My Heart” (not the Buddy Holly tune), which made it to No. 34 on Billboard’s pop chart in 1961; “Baby, Scratch My Back,” which reached No. 16 […]
Legacy can be a tricky thing. Take the family business for example. Can the son (or daughter) hold on to what the old man created through sweat and toil, and, perhaps more importantly, build on it? Can the inheritor of […]
The years covered by this two-disc set coincide exactly with Muddy Waters’ reign on the Billboard Rhythm & Blues charts, the same charts that big sellers such as the Platters, Fats Domino, B.B. King, Ruth Brown, the Drifters, and, uh, […]
The lion in winter. He’s the king of the jungle, and he’s won the title fair and square. He suns himself on the hill and watches his young descendants vying for the spot he’ll soon vacate. But what they don’t […]
FRESH TRACK: Lilly Hiatt – “Shouldn’t Be”Check it out
SPONSORED BY New West Records