‘Tis the season of ghosts and goblins, trips to the pumpkin patch and apple orchard, lots of candy and a reminder to visit your dentist. While some live in a climate without benefit of experiencing the change of seasons, this […]
‘Tis the season of ghosts and goblins, trips to the pumpkin patch and apple orchard, lots of candy and a reminder to visit your dentist. While some live in a climate without benefit of experiencing the change of seasons, this […]
It’s always nice to bring in some fellow Northern California DJs to the column. In the case of this week’s spotlighted DJ, he’s even from my home turf of Sonoma County. Even though I’ve known Brian Griffith for many years, I’ve […]
I knew it was over when Britain’s largest supermarket chain, Tesco, announced that they would begin selling vinyl in their stores. Not raincoats or reclining chairs or shiny boots or garden hoses, but actual record albums. What has been a […]
There’s a tendency to oversimplify historical periods; i.e., “the 1950s were innocent,”[1] “the 1960s were decadent,”[2] when in fact, sociological gestalts are invariably complex, ripe with a variety of inevitably disparate ideologies and lifestyles. Speaking in terms of aesthetics, a […]
FRESH TRACK: TT – “My Confession”Check it out