Blues Traveler was blasting at the gym the other day — just plain blasting. Even over the Jason Isbell in my headphones I could hear an aimless harmonica circling endlessly. For a second I could identify the song (hey — […]
Blues Traveler was blasting at the gym the other day — just plain blasting. Even over the Jason Isbell in my headphones I could hear an aimless harmonica circling endlessly. For a second I could identify the song (hey — […]
Seth Walker performs at Live at Andres in Seattle, Washington
Seth Walker performs at Live at Andres in Seattle, Washington
Seth Walker performs at Live at Andres in Seattle, Washington
Band OF Heathens song man Ed Jurdi, North Carolina troubadour Seth Walker, and one man band plus SSKTDA alum, Edward David Anderson of the late-great Backyard Tire Fire set off on a ten date Northeast run that’ll prove nothing short […]
Seth Walker performing at the Waterfront Blues Festival 2018 in Portland, Oregon.
Seth Walker performing at the Waterfront Blues Festival 2018 in Portland, Oregon.
Festivals often seem intended to test one’s endurance. Multiple stages demand that choices be made, oftentimes at the expense of missing one artist in order to see another. Dragging yourself the distance between far-flung venues drains both time and energy […]
For a relatively young man, Seth Walker has had a remarkably prolific career as a prime exponent of the blues and other variations of a rustic roots sound. Nine albums in, he’s also earned a reputation as a musician to […]
FRESH TRACK: TT – “My Confession”Check it out