For Walter Trout, naming his new record Survivor Blues isn’t just a concept snatched out of the air because it sounded cool. In 2014, Trout was dying, unable to speak or move due to complicatons from liver cancer. A liver […]
For Walter Trout, naming his new record Survivor Blues isn’t just a concept snatched out of the air because it sounded cool. In 2014, Trout was dying, unable to speak or move due to complicatons from liver cancer. A liver […]
A lot of music fans are hitting the road in September. There’s AmericanaFest and FreshGrass and IBMA’s World of Bluegrass, and a wide array of smaller, local festivals that take advantage of cooling temperatures and the celebratory mood at the […]
Walter Trout has risen. He had one foot in the grave in 2014, unable to speak or move, but a life-saving liver transplant resurrected him. He gave thanks on 2015’s Battle Scars, admitting the album was “written with tears coming […]
Where do I start to tell the story of Lead Belly Fest, an amazing tribute to Huddie “Lead Belly” Ledbetter held at Carnegie Hall, first staged at Royal Albert Hall in London last year? Carnegie Hall was the site of Lead […]
Walter Trout is a survivor. His Battle Scars are literal. Trout survived a grueling bout with liver failure last year, at one point unable to move or speak, slowly wasting away. His life was saved by a liver transplant in […]
FRESH TRACK: Matt Andersen – “Magnolia”Check it out
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