It can be frustrating seeing a valued desired object lauded and praised and not being able to read it, to see it, to touch it. Once again I await my journal. Once again it languishes somewhere mid atlantic. I send […]
It can be frustrating seeing a valued desired object lauded and praised and not being able to read it, to see it, to touch it. Once again I await my journal. Once again it languishes somewhere mid atlantic. I send […]
I put Hollow Point up on a pedestal as one of my haunted-by-music songs. Its impact on me was severe, profound, disturbing. I was not a fan of English folk music – I thought it lacked guts, was boring, exhibited […]
I think it’s going to work out fine is the last track on side one of the Bop Till You Drop album, released by Ry Cooder in 1979. It’s an instrumental track, a version of a song written by Rose […]