I’ve been giving some thought lately to what music I should expose my toddler to. There’s a lot of pressure involved. One false move and she could end up a huge Gwar fan. Or god forbid, Ke$ha. I’m not one […]
I’ve been giving some thought lately to what music I should expose my toddler to. There’s a lot of pressure involved. One false move and she could end up a huge Gwar fan. Or god forbid, Ke$ha. I’m not one […]
Me, holding my mandolin wrong, the day I got it. “What is that?!” I asked, drawing so close to the cd player with my jaw hanging open I was practically drooling on the speaker. I was 14, and passing by […]
Typically, when I tell people I’m a huge fan of sea chanteys, I’m met with a blank stare. “Sea what?! Shanties? What in god’s name is that?” If you’re already an initiate into the salty world of sea chanteys, you […]
Six years ago I was in Austin, TX for SXSW on my company’s dime. I’d been sent there to soak in the scene and represent our indie distribution company, and my little head was fit to explode from the excitement […]