Lot’s of excitement and even more wonderful music at CXCW2014, thanks go out to all the great artists who participate and make CXCW a success each year. Warning: This post contains an obscene amount of awesome videos and songs. Day […]
Lot’s of excitement and even more wonderful music at CXCW2014, thanks go out to all the great artists who participate and make CXCW a success each year. Warning: This post contains an obscene amount of awesome videos and songs. Day […]
Day 3 of CXCW is the day when your sofa begins to show it’s first signs of an emerging butt groove. We kicked things off with a stunning performance from Nashville’s Sam Lewis The Breton Sound came to us from their […]
It’s our second day of not being at SXSW in Austin. Yay! Actually, booo…. We’re jealous. But Couch by Couchwest is the second best thing! Right? Right! Jon Davis from Florence, Alabama, got things off to a great start with […]
Are all of your friends in Austin, Texas, for the annual South by Southwest festival? Do you wish you could go with them? Are you like me, can’t get out of work/family obligations, or are just too darn broke to […]
The last day of Couch by is a bittersweet day. On the one had, we would like to sleep. On the other, it’s been so much fun getting to know the artists and the fans, not to mention the killer […]
The luck of the Irish was with Couch by Couchwest on Saturday as we posted 45 videos from around the world, including a four song St. Patrick’s Day set, and some very special guests. Let’s start with a little blues. […]
We are a bit overwhelmed at the Couch by Couchwest offices, but here is our belated Day 6 Highlights. Lots of excitement on Friday at CXCW. Robert Earl Reed with Everett Boyd performed an ode to West Virginia’s most infamous county with […]
No raucous afterparty last night – we were just short staffed. Our lousy intern Toby stopped showing up and we got backlogged with videos. It’s so hard to find good help these days. Day 5 (Thursday, March 15) started out […]
The Day 4 Couch by Couchwesthighlights are slightly behind schedule as the afterparty got way, way out of control last night. Oooog. The Dead Volts from San Luis Obispo, California, spend so much time in the van that they decided […]
Let’s start today’s highlights with a little gothic country music from Jeff Zentner. Strand of Oaks did a haunting cover of Jason Molina’s “Long Desert Train.” A cool collaboration took place between Jay J. Fresh of Calgary, Canada, who remixed […]
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