Hayes Carll @ The Guthrie Green, September 2016
Hayes Carll @ The Guthrie Green, September 2016
Tulsa Roots Music, Tulsa Little Theatre, November 2015
Ruins rise from this land like rotted teeth on a jawbone of rock, circled by crows and the howling wind. It was a long drive from Dublin to the West after two flights and a layover at JFK but we […]
Somewhere before dawn I lay in my van listening to people still staggering past to piss in the bay or throw up, hopefully not too near me. The piledriver beat of the bass echoed through my tired brain. Even the […]
*an inconsolable longing for we know not what. The life of a singer/songwriter. ZenZuct. Maggie and I shared a recording studio yesterday with another musician and two studio engineers to remember the life of a long-time supporter of the arts. […]
November 2013, Cimarron Breeze Concert Series, Old Church Center, Perkins, OK
Sixty six years old and I’m still playing pirate along with Maggie and our friend, Greg. After almost 20 years we’re still hired as the Pirates of the Florida Seafood Festival in Apalachicola. Swordfighting, singing, costumes and whiskey just seem […]