The cover says it all, sports fans. Music from what very well could have been the period which produced awe-inspiring photos such as this one used on Men of Extinction’s album jacket and others locked into memory whether we like […]
The cover says it all, sports fans. Music from what very well could have been the period which produced awe-inspiring photos such as this one used on Men of Extinction’s album jacket and others locked into memory whether we like […]
Part 2 of Shaun Cromwell’s Kitchen Concert series has Shaun covering Mississippi John Hurt’s “Let the Mermaids Flirt With Me.” As you can see and hear, Shaun is a picker of worth.
There is nothing like a song starting out with a guy singing into the sound hole of an acoustic guitar, the equivalent of recording in a dorm bathroom or singing into a garbage can, to make one pay a bit […]
The Harpeth should be sinking by now, it has taken me so long to get to writing this, but it is through no fault of the group or album. I somehow was waylaid by life and now that I am […]
I have two great loves when it comes to country music these days and neither comes from Nashville. One— from all places, Seattle— is Zoe Muth, who used to front The Lost High Rollers and I say used to because […]
The ninth in what will hopefully be a long series of songs recorded by Shaun Cromwell in his kitchen. Who needs a studio when you can get sounds like this right at home!
The first in a series of videos recorded in Shaun Cromwell’s kitchen. I saw this guy for the first time at the Sisters Folk Festival in 2009. He floored me.
Sometimes a look at the past makes way for the future. From 2010, a review of two albums I think were way better than most people thought. Pieta Brown stepped out of the Red House last year with a fairly […]
I am tenacious when it comes to music. When I find the good stuff, I beg and cajole and hammer my friends to listen and sometimes they do— the ones who know I wouldn’t hammer if I didn’t really think […]
I hated cover songs with a passion until one day a band calling themselves Big Bright released an EP titled I Slept Thru the 80s and a cartoon bubble with a question mark began hovering above me. They didn’t just […]