It began here, in the safety of the suburbs, black vinyl spinning in someone’s back room, George Harrison bragging on John Lennon during the bridge in the Beatles’ “For You Blue,” a minor track from 1970’s Let It Be“: […]
It began here, in the safety of the suburbs, black vinyl spinning in someone’s back room, George Harrison bragging on John Lennon during the bridge in the Beatles’ “For You Blue,” a minor track from 1970’s Let It Be“: […]
Near the bottom of my stack of indifferently folded black t-shirts rests a relic from 2003, a wry marker from the career of the late Nashville singer-songwriter David Olney. “David Olney’s World Tour of Nashville,” the back reads, listing six […]
Twenty-five years ago Mary Gauthier was a singing chef — a novelty from Baton Rouge, who was trying to find her voice and hold on to her sobriety in deepest Boston — gambling there might be an audience willing […]
The curse of Linda Thompson is that she is known principally for the exquisite agony of 1982’s Shoot Out the Lights, the divorce album she recorded and toured behind with soon-to-be-ex-husband, Richard. And for her voice, no small gift […]
Sometimes — this morning — one is given to suspect that we are little more than aggregations of the stories we tell about ourselves and each other, stories that haunt and inform and seek temporarily to connect or distance […]
A measured portion of boredom remains an essential part of any artist’s regular diet. Getting that portion right is tricky. Too much smacks of indolence and indulgence; too little suggests an unseemly devotion to career over craft. Our late […]
These days, alas, there is no danger of wobbling late Friday night 10 blocks over to Peaches Records and looking for love in the cut-out bins. (Oh, but that Legendary Christine Perfect album.) The habit never entirely leaves, even […]
Perhaps we should reconsider last column’s comment about the manufactured consent of celebrity and commerce so as to add a needed caveat, borrowed from a children’s book by Lloyd Alexander: The work doesn’t care who does it. And the […]
EDITOR’S NOTE: Peter Blackstock and Grant Alden were the original editors of No Depression, launching it as a print magazine covering alt-country (whatever that is) in 1995 and steering it through 75 issues until 2008. While they’re no longer part of […]
What follows is a meditation on Mark Yarm’s well-assembled book, Everybody Loves Our Town: An Oral History of Grunge, published in 2011. (By way of disclosure, I am one of the many sources he interviewed.) This essay doesn’t properly belong […]
FRESH TRACK: Ghost Hounds – “House A Home”Check it out
SPONSORED BY Gibson Records