In the fall, backstage at the Ryman doing my duty for the Americana Music Association’s Honors & Awards Show (thanks again to Dick Clark for the cumbersome name) I ran into an old friend, which is the whole point of […]
In the fall, backstage at the Ryman doing my duty for the Americana Music Association’s Honors & Awards Show (thanks again to Dick Clark for the cumbersome name) I ran into an old friend, which is the whole point of […]
Apple has announced that future computers will not come equipped with a CD drive, because everybody can download or stream anything they want now and the drives are heavy and cumbersome and break and irrelevant. Though I am painfully sell […]
Greetings from the hinterlands. I suspect my long absence from this virtual community has been little missed, but for the two or three who might care please know that all is well. The challenges of helping to operate an independent […]
Only opening the mail yesterday did I realize the conjunctions of my musical past were beginning to collide. There, in a plain brown envelop, I found an expanded edition of the O Brother, Where Art Thou? soundtrack. As Peter […]
[Warning: This is, in my mind, anyhow, a continuation of the discussion begun in my previous post.] Last Sunday morning, ’round about our second cup of coffee, we noticed what appeared to be a juvenile blue heron standing still at […]
As the resident curmudgeon emeritus I claim the right to vent here and again. As one of the co-founders of what once was a music magazine in print and all that foolishness I like to imagine that my music geek […]
Once again the kind folks at WMKY have renewed my, um, contract (yeah, that’s it). And so my monthly hour-long show, listened to by an audience the counting of which does not yet oblige me to take off my socks, […]
“Behind every great fortune is a great crime.” — Balzac, paraphrased Limited exposure to business histories suggest they come in two flavors: morality tales (see: Madoff, Bernard) about the rich gone wrong, and amorality tales about how the rich […]
In March of 2010 we took on nearly two feet of water, which is a bad thing when your family (my in-laws, to be precise) has a bookstore. Nashville had it a lot worse — a whole lot worse — […]
This may all be silly, this gratuitous half-assed self-promotion, but I feel occasionally the need to explain my long absences from this space, and the airing of my once-a-month hour of radio this Friday on WMKY at 7 pm EST […]