I was waiting for someone more competent and with a longer tolerance for great music to post something about the FreshGrass Festival that took place on the weekend of September 20 in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts. You will have […]
I was waiting for someone more competent and with a longer tolerance for great music to post something about the FreshGrass Festival that took place on the weekend of September 20 in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts. You will have […]
I was taking my morning constitutional (If you don’t know what that is google Harry Truman and search for constitutional) and listening to my iPod on shuffle. I was thrilled to hear Richie Havens singing the Peter Yarrow song – […]
This weekend my wife and I got out to listen to two fairly different performances in two fairly different venues, but featuring four outstanding artists in great shows. What they shared was that the performers were clearly enjoying themselves. This […]
I was cruising Grooveshark.com and I came across a group of 20ish players called the Bent Strings. They play a quality bluegrass with new takes on old standards and some stuff of their own. They’re from Greenville, SC and don’t […]
Look, I’m 60 years old. I’m sitting in a nice restaurant in the middle of Berlin, Germany with the family of my friend: a couple and their teenaged son and daughter. It’s a nice place, a little noisy and the […]