FOUR CARS TO SAN FRANCISCO Why should we change? Gas is $2.87 a gallon. It hurts but a little. So we eco talking Hawks are not going to walk this walk. Shawn driving to our shows in the Sierra foothills […]
Hit the bong Hit the bottle Shaquille O’Neal Is Aristotle Sto-ney Stoney Summer Thus begins a never- but someday-to-be-finished Hawks song on the particularities of the L.A. summer. It’s always summer in the Southland, with brief interruptions of autumn-like weeks […]
From our favorite L.A. honky tonk, with our favorite Sisters
A video by Rob and his wife Katie and Paul L, song “Barrier Reef” off our CD California Country. We support the full legalization of anything that you can do while minding your own business.
Live show in a theater, too bad this TV show never got its air date! Big thanks to Jim and Zachariah.
At The Beehive Pub in Swindon, England, an art film with the Hawks and our tour buddies Tony Gilkyson and Kip Boardman
Performing “Hallowed Ground” in the futuristic BBC studio, on the Ralph McLean Show