The best way to describe Dream a Little Dream,the second album from Katie Glassman & Snapshot, would be Western swing with a touch of jazz. Glassman, an award winning fiddler and appealing vocalist, fronts a dynamic quartet featuring Eric Moon […]
The best way to describe Dream a Little Dream,the second album from Katie Glassman & Snapshot, would be Western swing with a touch of jazz. Glassman, an award winning fiddler and appealing vocalist, fronts a dynamic quartet featuring Eric Moon […]
There comes a time in the life of many artists when they feel called upon to make some kind of personal statement about their work and about their lives. Now approaching his 50th year, blues vocalist, guitarist, and organist extraordinaire, […]
Larry Brown Amen, the debut album of Missing Cats due for release in September, is the collaborative effort of long time friends Jojo Hermann (paino/vocals) and Sherman Ewing (guitar/vocals). They became acquainted back in the 80s at Columbia University, and […]
First published on It is true that as often as not live performance albums don’t measure up to studio recordings—production values may be limited, there are no retakes for performance flaws, comic banter, planned or ad lib may not […]
First published on Blogcritics: The most disappointing thing about Joel Gilbert’s documentary Dylan Revealed now available on DVD in time for Dylan’s 70th birthday is that in all of its 110 minutes there isn’t even one sample of the […]
Originally published at Marking the tenth anniversary of its publication, Picador is issuing a new edition of David Hajdu’s delicious portrait of the 60’s folk scene as it was embodied in two of its greatest lights and […]
Originally published on Blogcritics. In one of those odd coincidences that seem to presage something momentous but are probably more common than they seem, I had been listening to a podcast of a 2008 concert by Victor Krummenacher and […]
Originally published at It has been more than ten years since Robbie Robertson, he of The Band, has put out a new record, but come April 5 that vacuum will be filled. He has a new album, How […]
Review originally published on Blogcritics. Jazz, gospel, rhythm and blues: Ray Charles,” the genius,” can do it all, and do it all he does in his 1964 concert at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles originally released by ABC-Paramount […]
First published at Blogcritics. org. If you are unfamiliar with the name Sherman Ewing, the digital release of his second album, Single Room Saloon on January 11 may well remedy that. This ten song rock, pop, county collection runs […]