1. John Fogerty hails from the same state that Buck Owens once made his home, and the two might have had a lot more in common had they been closer in age. As it is, the older Owens took a […]
1. John Fogerty hails from the same state that Buck Owens once made his home, and the two might have had a lot more in common had they been closer in age. As it is, the older Owens took a […]
1. Sometimes all I want to hear is a story. From the moment that Dave Alvin’s “King of California” opens, with its Guthrie-esque flatpicking, a story is woven with more plot than many novels. Plucked from his 1994 album of […]
1. I don’t know why I hesitated on this album for such a long time. Perhaps it was because Helm’s last outing Dirt Farmer, despite the energy (and inclusion of Steve Earle and Buddy Miller songs), left me indifferent. I […]
1. Hard to believe it has been almost eleven years since Car Wheels on a Gravel Road came out. Lucinda had been better known for writing “Passionate Kisses”, covered by Mary Chapin Carpenter, until this bombshell hit stores. Seeming to […]
1. Terry Allen is West Texas. For those who haven’t spent much time out there, nothing is very surprising once you pass Eastland on I-20. Upended Cadillacs pressed into the caprock? Sure. Runaway longhorns on the access road? Absolutely. Inexplicable […]
1. Sam Baker still makes music that hangs together by threads. Still coming to grips with the train bombing that left him mentally and physically scarred over twenty years ago, Baker took his new lease on life to examine the […]
Managed to get a pre-release of the new Steve Earle record of Townes Van Zandt covers, appropriately titled Townes. Steve pays tribute to his hero through a record that both channels and reinterprets the work of the man that many […]