Kev Rowe is best known as the innovative and dynamic lead guitar player for the Big Leg Emma, a bluegrass/jam rock band based in western New York State. Kev’s got another side to him. He’s also a singer/ songwriter in […]
Born on the banks of the Raritan River in New Jersey, I was bit by the Wanderlust Bug at an early age. I spent my summers growing up in a remote cabin on Lower Saranac Lake in the Adirondacks Mountains of New York State, where my wife and live and raised out 6 children. We've got a dozen granchillin's now, so I doubt we'll ever get too far away for two long. I lived in the outskirts of Geneva, Switzerland for 3 years in the late 1960s and got to travel all around Europe in a VW Bus, directed by my intrepid mother, and submissive father( who fortunately spoke 7 languages). Returning to my home town of Chatham, NJ just in time to watch the first Moon Walk and get stuck on the NY Thruway surrounded by hordes returning from Woodstock, I soon was hitchhiking around the US and Canada. The ruins of declining commune in Palmyra, Maine was my home base for 3 years in the late 1970s. A un-distinquished and abruptly interupted hitch in the US Navy Seabees exposed me to the South, and 5 cross country trips introduced me to the West Coast. Towards the end of 1982 I married my high school sweetheart, and we're still together, for better or for worse. Along the way, I fell in love with Folk and Americana music, learned a few chords on the guitar and Dobro, and wrote a few songs. My own music probably will never earn me any fame, but I enjoy listening to all sorts of Roots music, and my hobby is writing about music I like. If you send me a CD I'll be happy to give it a listen, and if I like it, I'll review it. I'm not into becoming a bona fide music critic, so I don't write bad reviews. I just ignore what I don't enjoy. Have a great day!
Kev Rowe is best known as the innovative and dynamic lead guitar player for the Big Leg Emma, a bluegrass/jam rock band based in western New York State. Kev’s got another side to him. He’s also a singer/ songwriter in […]
It was the fall of 2005. The evening’s act had just finished playing and the patrons were shuffling out of the door at the Northwoods Inn in Lake Placid, NY, and I was busy say goodbyes and picking up empty […]
I have to provide a disclosure at the commencement of this review. I’ve played with Mad Dog, at each other’s kitchen tables and on stage. We’ve also had some pretty public disagreements, and I’ve been unabashedly critical of his unnecessarily […]
A new voice has burst on the North Country music scene: Canadian born transplant Josee Allard. Josee is a singer/ songwriter and a good one. With family roots in Quebec, via British Columbia, Ms. Allard mixes a west coast attitude […]
One of the more unusual CDs to come across my desk in the past few whiles is Rev. Yolanda’s Country Gospel Kirtan vol.1 God Is. Recorded at Eastern Mountain Studios and produced by Mighty Companion Ministries, I listened to this […]
We have to wade through so much nonsense on the radio to get a chance to hear the occasional good tune, but sometimes a recording comes along that’s all meat and no potatoes. That’s exactly how I felt listening for […]
I’d never heard of songwriter and slide guitarist Robert Hill when a mutual friend recently sent me a copy of his CD “ My Corner.” First impression: “ This sucks, it sounds just like EmmyLou Harris’s Wrecking Ball. Too much […]
He just seemed to appear out of the night crowd on 42nd Street in front of B.B.Kings. A man of slight stature… black trench coat … guitar on his back ….hat that looked too big for his head… his deeply […]
When I first began to hear the name Waydown Wailers I imagined a sound somewhat akin to Waylon Jennings. After listening a few sample cuts on the internet, I had them pigeon holed as a “Southern Rock” band. Now that […]
Countrified Rockin’ from Citizens Band Radio Back in the 1970’s the airways were filled with the Country and Southern Rock sounds of bands like Poco, the Ozark Mountain Daredevils, The Allman Bros, The New Riders of the Purple Sage, Marshall […]