The show last night was a smoker, Mark Nomad, killed, then the kids in the band hit the stage with Joe Montineri and Tom MacGregor & opened with The Pleasant Ones. Highlights, Eddy out front on hand percussion, vocals & […]
On the 25th LittleHouse gives back, the kids rock a fundraiser for a local school, 30 couples are attending and pledging their support and $ for the cause. Hey dinner, an opening act by Brian MacDonald, plus more of the […]
The Kids will be polishing up the “Old School” tunes over the next few weeks in anticipation of seeing all of our Simsbilly pals at the Saturday Night Music Club on September 18th at the Barn, for the release […]
Oh you lucky Simsbillies that signed up for the 18th, something special from the kids this month, top secret and very cool is coming your way. Joe’s brain is in overdrive, the ideas moving to reality, becoming something fantastic and […]
To our Fans, Families and Friends: Good news for all the Simsbillies and just plain music lovin’ folks everywhere, LittleHouse’s tune, Down In The Delta has been accepted as a song to go onto the second Give to the Gulf, […]