Minus a tweak, this story first appeared in Isthmus, a Madison Wi weekly. Just too much music. What’s a fanboy to do? Take Friday, Oct. 20. I wanted to hear the hipster jazz of the Joe Policastro Trio at the Arts + […]
I'm a veteran, i.e., old, freelance reporter/editor in Madison, Wisconsin. I write on politics, government, development and -- more recently -- on the technology industry in Dane County. I love music but don't consider myself a critic. An archive of my recent stories can be found at: http://meisenstories.net.
Minus a tweak, this story first appeared in Isthmus, a Madison Wi weekly. Just too much music. What’s a fanboy to do? Take Friday, Oct. 20. I wanted to hear the hipster jazz of the Joe Policastro Trio at the Arts + […]
By Marc Eisen Oh, he’s lost a few things during 40-plus years of living the Bohemian life of a musician. For instance: — That Mussehl & Westphal musical saw, the renowned Cadillac of musical saws. The young Pat MacDonald bought it in […]
This story first appeared on the Isthmus website. It is dedicated to the memory of Clark Anderson, slide guitarist, union organizer and friend. By Marc Eisen Yeah, I got a music jones. About 500 concerts and shows’ worth over 10 years. […]
This story first appeared in the online edition of the Madison weekly Isthmus. By Marc Eisen Well, that was embarrassing! I nodded off listening to overly ambient music at the Arts + Literature Laboratory, the great new creative space at […]
(First published at Isthmus online.) MADISON WI: I searched for musical extremes in 2015. Jon Mueller’s prog drone (Shitty Barn, Spring Green, June 10), Gangstagrass’ confounding bluegrass hip-hop (the Frequency, Oct. 16), Tim Berne’s avant garde jazz (West End Conservatory, […]
Music tells a truer story of America than our politics does. Maybe it was happenstance. Maybe it was the surge line of a big trend. Either way, 2014 was the Year of the Woman for the more than 60 concerts […]
By Marc Eisen Leonard Cohen was old — 33 — when he released his first album in late 1967. A respected Canadian poet and fiction writer, he put aside a proper literary career at a critical cultural moment. This was […]