If the old saying, “thought is a thread, and the raconteur is a spinner of yarns,” rings true, Roger Hoover is as close to poet as he is raconteur. On Pastures – his sixth collection of original songs – Roger Hoover […]
Noah O'Connor is a critic-at-large for Sing Out! Magazine, fRoots, and Penguin Eggs, among others.
If the old saying, “thought is a thread, and the raconteur is a spinner of yarns,” rings true, Roger Hoover is as close to poet as he is raconteur. On Pastures – his sixth collection of original songs – Roger Hoover […]
Kacy Anderson and Clayton Linthicum – Kacy & Clayton – deliver a refreshing album of folk-twinged originals that stands far above their counterparts. The craft and musicianship displayed throughout Strange Country belies the young ages of these 2nd cousins from rural Saskatchewan (Kacy is […]