If the only thing you know about Knoxville are Bill Dance’s hat and that episode of the Simpsons where Bart rents a car to go to the World’s Fair, you’re missing out on something big: the Dirty Guv’nahs and the […]
If the only thing you know about Knoxville are Bill Dance’s hat and that episode of the Simpsons where Bart rents a car to go to the World’s Fair, you’re missing out on something big: the Dirty Guv’nahs and the […]
Don’t think of this so much as a review of The Big To-Do, but more like the stuff I would keep saying as you tried to listen to the album, but without me spraying cheap beer on the side of […]
Sometimes in this day and age, it’s hard to remember the purity and innocence of baseball. Now, I’m not acting like baseball just became a dirty, corrupt game over night. Hell, half the beauty of the game is cheating, and […]
Hi, my name’s Peter, and I’m a Drive-by Truckers addict, but I hate sitting in circles in church basements, and I can’t live without my DBT, so f*ck you guys [kicks over plastic chair], I’m out of here. Thanks for […]
It’s hard to sum up most great musicians in just a couple of words, but with Brother Sal, it’s easy: Whorehouse Gospel. Music has never been more accurately described. Sal sounds like a whiskey soaked prophet having a party on […]
AMERICAN AQUARIUM, BORN TO RUN What do you do most every review of your music compares you to a Southern Springsteen? Give the people what they want, complete the dock-worker uniform. The people of New Jersey selected “Born to Run” […]
It’s not like I need to prime the pump for the Trucker’s new record the Big To-Do coming out on March 16th, but hey, it’s DBT, and sometimes I just can’t help myself. The album’s fucking epic, and I’ll probably […]
The only reason I’m posting this song is because I like it and I want to. There’s no new album, there’s no new single, and Cory’s not playing anywhere near me any time soon—I just really like this song a […]
From what I can tell, this song’s about moving to LA, yet in the video, Austin Hartley-Leonard avoids the classic shot of the soon-to-be-hooker stepping off the bus with a suitcase in her hand, a twinkle in her eye, and […]
Wait a second, uplifting, positive rock n roll with an optimistic outlook coming out of the American Heartburnland? Really? Now? Like in 2010? Seriously, with everything going on with the economy and all? Yup. And it’s good too. Don’t get […]