Ben Cosgrove has a new album, Salt, coming out in May. If you are unfamiliar with Ben’s work, I cannot stress enough how much you’re missing out. He is a mesmerizing pianist and his compositions make you listen more closely and make […]
Ben Cosgrove has a new album, Salt, coming out in May. If you are unfamiliar with Ben’s work, I cannot stress enough how much you’re missing out. He is a mesmerizing pianist and his compositions make you listen more closely and make […]
In a past review I referred to Glenn Yoder as “the king of catchy” and while the singer-songwriter continues to hold his throne on his latest record, there is a sentiment change in some respects. A “blue record” in many respects that […]
Patrick Coman’s 2015 release Reds & Blues was a tapestry of red dirt, midwest twang mixed, dust caked and sepia smoke tinged intermingled with deep hues of cobalt and midnight, dabbing in touches of longing and sadness with fiery crimsons and blues-infused […]
The sheer brilliance that each of these three artist beholds on their own is mind shattering. Last evening the beauty and utterly sublime nature of the performance put on by Aoife solo, Julian and Chris together and then the three […]
Listening to countless numbers of records, singles, songs, voices every week can be a monotonous and tedious endeavor. Things start to sound the same, voices bleed together and guitar lines go from one song to another and the realization that […]
I got to hear Zak Trojano last month, as he opened for Jeffrey Foucault at The Rockwell. I picked up his album Yesterday’s Sun after the show and it’s been keeping me good company ever since–an honest and unpretentious record with gorgeous tune after gorgeous tune. We […]
There is not much I love more as it relates to music or musicians than sitting down with someone and figuring out where they are coming from. Either just by sitting and talking about a song or their influences or […]
A couple of years ago the roots, rock and folk realm was filled with release after release of “holy shit this is the best thing I have heard” type records being sprung forth into the world, and our ears. Jason […]
Jeffrey Foucault is playing a limited number of dates this winter and spring. It’s a tour he’s calling “Stay Home and Go Broke.” Pretty catchy. But those of us in the Northeast get the chance to hear him in some really […]
There was a very important moment in time in my life as an artist where I went from wanting to just play rock n’ roll guitar and make generally loud noise on stage (or in my buddy’s parents basement) to […]