Deserter’s Songs gig 21/5/11. Not 100% full but could be Rapture related.
Deserter’s Songs gig 21/5/11. Not 100% full but could be Rapture related.
The Secret Sisters sing “Do You Love An Apple”, from their beautiful first album, at Le Divan du Monde, Paris, France, on May 9th, 2011. And there are loads more videos there from this show which hardly anyone has watched […]
20110705 @ The Slaughtered Lamb, London, EC1 . In the basement. Full crowd. Enthusiasm both sides of the monitors.
And here’s another. Enjoy Jools’ g-g-women in the intro 🙂
Amidst all the doom and gloom surrounding the future of paid-for music writing it’s good to see that the specialist fanzine segment is managing to produce good writing in niche areas. I was reminded of this by the arrival of […]
Goddamn You Jim, Roll On Arte
At the same time as we’ve had a thread about husband/wife/partner musical teams and now the can-they-can’t-they musical breeding discussion kicked off earlier this week, I’ve been casting my mind back over the shows I’ve been to during 2010 and a […]
So, it’s Christmas eve, the family is sitting around the living room, and my grandmother says “Play a song.” All of a sudden, a camera appears in my mothers hands. Finally, it ends-up here, on the internet. Hope you enjoy […]
The Duke & The King play Hudson River from the new album “Long Live The Duke & The King” instore at London’s Rough Trade East at lunchtime on 16 October 2010. They were without Simone Felice who’s in Italy. Dukeless […]
First date for the European leg of Plant and the Band of Joy tour. Here playing Townes’ “Harms Swift Way”. Great guitar from Buddy Miller.