I will be working on a new record this winter, stay in touch to get an advance copy. thank you and Merry Christmas
I will be working on a new record this winter, stay in touch to get an advance copy. thank you and Merry Christmas
Wild Bill Days in Deadwood, SD last weekend was SWEET! I had so much fun playing my songs for all of you that came out to see me and all of you that never heard of me and you were […]
Go to Cowboy Junkies website and you can get a new free download. Preview of the new material forthcoming. This is exciting!!!! We love new music from CJ Look into the tour and see if they are coming to your […]
I have added a new song to my page, please let me know your feedback. Thank You for listening
I may be on tour with Pete Bernhard this spring through the Western States, Id, Wy, Mt, Sd, etc… look up his new album. Please send me questions about my music and comments about the songs. 2010 is the year […]
If you need a last minute gift…give a listen to One Soul Now this Cowboy Junkies release is in my top 3 of albums by CJ. This collection of songs will send you in to a place of great sounds […]
My show from November 20th at The Argus Leader Link Live studio is also archived on the Link Live page. Watch and comment to me with your opinion. Thank you for listening www.argusleader.com/linklive
www.argusleader.com/linklive Nov 20 1pm cst. go to above link and watch me perform my songs live in a studio.
www.shantelbolks.com Come to my new website and please tune in on Nov. 20 will be my first live in studio performance. Thank You for listening to my music