Hamilton is steeltown, or at least it was. Home to two major steel manufacturers both of which lay largely idle today it has a reputation as a blue collar, working person’s town. About an hour west of downtown Toronto, it’s […]
Joel Plaskett: The Park Avenue Sobriety Test The Park Avenue Sobriety Test is Joel Plaskett’s fourth solo album (one of those, Three, was a triple—yes, you read that correctly—album,) though that’s a highly misleading number. There have been six albums […]
“Forest City” is the sprawling, moody closing track of Daniel Lanois’ late-2014 album Flesh & Machine. It opens slowly and quietly, a solid wall of sound building from nothingness over the first couple of minutes. The occasional flicker of sound from another source is […]
The best way to judge how good a show is, when it comes right down to it, is to pay attention to the audience. Technical flaws can happen, but it really comes down to this: Is the audience engaged by […]
Whitehorse – Leave No Bridge Unburned Baby what’s wrong I’m afraid to ask you Tell me what did I do? That is the plaintive refrain of the opening track of Leave No Bridge Unburned, a call and response between Melissa McClelland and Luke […]
There was a time when playing music live didn’t involve running miles of wire from banks of foot pedals to instruments and amplifiers. Steph Cameron recently released a fine solo debut album that harkens back to that time: recorded in […]
FRESH TRACK: Alison Krauss & Union Station – “Arcadia”Check it out
SPONSORED BY Down The Road Records