In general, I’m not big on festivals — music or otherwise. The thought of wading through people on blankets brings on agoraphobia, and I miss the comforts of home almost immediately. Woodstock: fahgeddabout it, or, as Tom Waits once said, […]
In general, I’m not big on festivals — music or otherwise. The thought of wading through people on blankets brings on agoraphobia, and I miss the comforts of home almost immediately. Woodstock: fahgeddabout it, or, as Tom Waits once said, […]
(Editor’s note: According to the Toronto Star and Winchester’s Wikipedia page, Jesse Winchester has not passed away. Our thoughts are with Jesse and his family in light of the confusion and misinformation, as he continues to struggle with cancer.) I […]
While our national “leaders” go through their Kabuki dance inWashington, gesturing wildly at shadowy villains of their own imagination, it’s heartening to see other models arising: communitarian, artistic, generous. As usual, California seems to be ahead of the curve, enacting […]
my brother and Daddy entertaining another Rogers Family Christmas circa 2007.