blogging “Reckoning” for REM contest
First vinyl I ever purchased was Murmer. In fact, I purchased these three albums at the same time: Murmer (REM), Ocean Rain (Echo & The Bunnymen), and The Smiths (The Smiths). Three albums that shook the music world. Up to that point I only had cassettes, as odd as that might seem… To open up that glorious vinyl and have such giant artwork was truly inspiring to this young listener and budding musician.
Soon after, I picked up Reckoning. No one sounded like REM. Peter Buck played the guitar differently than the other guitarists of the day (and the past as well). The airwaves were full of hair bands and synths, but if you tuned into college radio you were introduced to music with integrity. Music that stands the test of time. When was the last time you listened to Quiet Riot or Twisted Sister and felt more than nostalgia? REM’s music still feels new. It has a sound and style that is timeless. You aren’t instantly back in 1984 just because Pretty Persuasion is playing, unlike say, Jump by Van Halen. While a lot of 80s music still holds up, it mostly makes you feel nostalgia for that time in your life. I find that Murmer, Reckoning, Fables of The Reconstruction/Reconstruction of the Fables and Life’s Rich Pageant have a greater legacy and longevity, not to mention the countless bands that were influenced and continue to be influenced by those recordings.
Reckoning is definitely in my top 20 albums of all time. Thanks REM.