CD Review: American Thread – Killing Days
How about this: A Southern-sounding Bob Dylan (with the young, ’60s voice) from Boston. That’s exactly how Brendan Ahearn, the lead singer of American Thread, sounds to me. Not only the texture of his voice, but also, particularly on “Fisherman’s Lullaby,” the manner with which he structures and unfolds his story lines.
The instrumentation fits the voice perfectly. And the lyrics … they’re fucking great. Not necessarily uplifting, but they capture the post-industrial America, the one where the recession never ends, expertly. In this America, a place many of us know all too well, even the majestic bald eagle had a rough go of it and needs a drink.
Standout Tracks: “Fool’s Gold,” “Killing Days” & “39 Days”
This album’s a keeper!
Head on over to the band’s website and then buy their cd at bandcamp!
Thanks to romeosidvicious over at for spreading the word about this great band.
This review was first posted over at A Fool On Every Corner