CNN contacted me regarding my songs about Gulf Oil Spill
I got a surprise media enquiry from reporter Derrick Ho of CNN.
He had heard my song Drill Baby Drill about the Gulf Coast oil spill and wanted to know if I had more songs. Apparently he is working on a story for next Tuesday.
He asked me several very detailed questions and I wrote him detailed responses.
Have not heard back yet but having dealt with reporters before I know they always wait until last minute.
The fact that my Drill Baby Drill song showed up on CNN’s radar must mean it went viral somehow.
Here’s a new one I shared with CNN and co-written with Howard Holbert. He and I both wrote the lyrics and I wrote the music:
See the oil come ashore….We can’t fish there anymore
There’s no dolphins jumping to the sky….Watch the sea life wash up and die
A lot of questions have been asked…..Time for action’s long since passed
This environmental tragedy…..Worst disaster in history
And I cry for the Fishermen…I cry for them…..Cries of anger…Cries of fear
When will this madness come to an end
By now we all know how and why…..But don’t waste your time and politicize
Because sea life every minute dies!…..You just can’t hear them cry
cry for the sea…..cry for the lost life
They put up a valiant fight…..Against the oil slick of death
For all Gods creatures big and small…..including you and me
And I cry for the Fishermen…I cry for them…..Cries of anger…Cries of fear
When will this madness come to an end
And oil company greed…..The real cause of this mess
Investors have their profit needs…..Forget about the costly safety tests
The crew had orders don’t you know…..Losing money every day
Drill faster you’re going too slow!…..Gotta hit oil it’s the only way
And I cry for the Fishermen…I cry for them…..Cries of anger…Cries of fear
When will this madness come to an end
Have we learned anything
Or will we let this happen all again