Colin Gilmore’s “Goodnight Lane” revives spirit of west Texas
1.0 How does your new release Goodnight Lane differ from your previous releases? It feels and sounds much more like I intended it to. For one thing, I had musicians playing on it that had played the songs with me live before we recorded. Also, I’d never worked with Lloyd Maines and he added a very strong touch.
2.0 What do you feel co-producers Lloyd Maines & Eric McKinney bring to your music? Eric I’ve worked with on previous recordings and by the time we recorded Goodnight Lane, it was pretty clear we’d found a good groove. He has great taste and a sharp ear. Lloyd’s parts on the album, although having a country feel, were powerful enough to help the album transcend genre and time. Also, with Lloyd being from Lubbock and Eric being from Big Spring, the spirit of west Texas was in the air.
3.0 How many songs did you come in with? All ten songs were songs I’d written and played live before recording. ”Essene Eyes” and “Teeth, Hair and Eyeballs” were ones I’d written a long time ago and had all but forgotten. The players on the album had a big part in resurrecting and redefining them.
4.0 Did you go in with an overall direction in mind or does that just happen as a record takes shape for you? I went in with a direction in mind, but the direction got twisted and reshaped, for the better. I think Lloyd had a lot to do with that.
5.0 You collaborated again with producer Scott Mathews on “Circles In The Yard” – was that tune a hold-over from the Black Wine EP you did with him? ”Circles In The Yard” was a song Scott and I recorded after Black Wine. Out of the blue. Didn’t know what to do with it. I was going to re-record it but I just love that version and I love working with Scott. Even if it makes the credits confusing, it was worth it.
6.0 Do you have a philosophy when it comes to touring? Eat at least one good meal every day, and once in a while, if possible, try to sleep, change clothes and take a shower.
7.0 Which numbers do you think you will be playing live on tour? I’ll be playing all the songs live. ”Essene Eyes” only for occasions where we have the right configuration. It’s hard to pull off solo.
8.0 Has the advent of SXSW changed the scene in Austin over the years? It has immensely. Some may disagree, but I think it’s put a huge spotlight on the Austin music scene, without causing it to become an industry town. With the spotlight comes many of the troubles that musicians in big cities face, but in the end we have to deal with that the best we can.
9.0 What was your very first guitar? Do you still have it? It was a 1980s Fender Telecaster 52 reissue. Still got it and still love it.
10.0 What day did the world stop and spin the other way for you? Or is that coming in 2012? Hard to say. I think I was standing on one of the poles when it happened.
Photo by Kim Maguire. Interview from