early morning @ Chicago BlueGrass & Blues Fest at Congress Theater.
I really love the vibe at the Congress. The early morning light came pouring in but it wasn’t a harsh light- it wraps and envelops you. That’s not to say it was warm. It was not. Everyone was running around in sweaters and coats. Sexfist had organized a breakfast, but it was kind of confusing- I don’t think any of our people ended up getting to eat any of it. They wouldn’t even give me any. Oh well- nice of them to organize a way for there to be food. And Tate of How Far to Austin had volunteered to stage manage the stage that day, which was really great.
[Sidenote: looks like we’ll be playing a show with them at Angels & Kings (yes, that would be Pete Wentz’s bar….crazy, right?) on February 3rd. So that should be a lot of fun. Ryan Manno of Fearless Radio and Q101 is helping us set it up. end sidenote]
Mike Raspatello- the guy who helped us get involved in the first place….that guy is destined for greatness. He works so hard at everything he does, and he love it. Anyway, he was running around like a chicken with his head cut off, but that’s what the job entails. Although- check this out- his coat got stolen that day! FROM THE SECURITY CLOSET! So dumb.
Jeff Brown (who I love) of Goodbyehome came up on stage with us for like half the set and sat in on accordion, which adds a really great tone to a bunch of our songs. He also joined us at Metro later that night, but more on that in a minute.
The power of the stage is pretty profound. (You will find I love alliteration) My voice had been feeling terrible all week, but Saturday morning I was able to get through the whole set without feeling like I’d been punched in the throat.
All in all the CBB set went really well. We had a good sized audience, saw some old friends singing along and made some new ones after we finished playing. Goodbyehome followed, and they’re always a pleasure.
Then we went outside and recorded a quick piece for Earphoria.fm. Not sure if it’s up yet or when it goes up, but they were a good bunch of folks.
It wasn’t until a few hours later when we were getting ready to load out for the Metro that I realized I’d left my power supply at the Congress, so I had to zip back over. Rest assured disaster was averted, and this story ends well.