Elvis Costello Cancels Tour Dates to Recover From Surgery
Elvis Costello, amidst a summer European tour, has canceled his remaining July tour dates to reciver from cancer surgery. His website makes a full statement here.
Costello’s surgery was for a “small but very aggressive cancerous malignancy…defeated by a single surgery.” He began the tour “elated and relieved,” but needs more recovery time without the rigors of travel and his usual full-throttle performances. Graciously, he’s taking it, stating: “My apologies go to our ticket holders in Manchester, Pula, Graz, Vienna, Tysnes and Rattvik but I would rather disappoint our friends there by not appearing than in pressing on with a show that is compromised and eventually puts my health at risk.”
The statement concludes with good news and good advice. Elvis and the Imposters have a new record coming out in the fall. However, this is not the note on which he chose to end. Instead, Costello calls on us to take care of each other and ourselves:
“Take very good care of your loved ones but Gentlem[e]n, do talk to your
friends — you’ll find you are not alone — seek your doctor’s advice if
you are in doubt or when it is timely and act as swiftly as you may in
these matters. It may save your life. Believe me, it is better than
playing roulette.
Yours through music. Elvis Costello.”