Wait a second, uplifting, positive rock n roll with an optimistic outlook coming out of the American Heartburnland? Really? Now? Like in 2010? Seriously, with everything going on with the economy and all? Yup. And it’s good too.
Don’t get me wrong, Backyard Tire Fire’s Good To Be isn’t all rainbows, unicorns and eating ice cream sundaes with a blue-eyed girl as you exchange promise rings, (“Brady” is the story of a 16 year-old kid who’s looking for his first hooker in the redlight district but gets scared and just lays next to the chick silently, and it’s catchy as hell) but there is a clear message of appreciating the important things in life that surround you (and not just hookers).
I’m not talking about Birkenstock and ponytail “we are all one” stoney-psuedo-hippy shit. Good to Be is locked in the here and now, musically and lyrically, and it’s not exactly easy to pull that off and stay positive, but wait ‘till the horns drop in on “Learning to Swim” and you’ll get it.
You can get an mp3 of the single “Good To Be” and an alternate version of it for free, Here’s how: tell five of your friends who live in a town they’re playing about the band. You don’t have to give away your friends’ email addresses or sign them up for anything—all you have to do is tell them about the band online. Here are the towns that qualify:
3/2/10 Los Angeles, CA, The Mint
3/3/10 San Francisco, CA, Hotel Utah
3/5/10 Portland, OR, Mississippi Studios
3/6/10 Spokane, WA, Empyrean – presented by KPND 95.3
3/7/10 Missoula, MT, Top Hat – presented by The Trail 104.3
3/8/10 Bozeman, MT, Filling Station
3/9/10 Billings, MT, Railyard Ale House
Who doesn’t know five people in Bozeman? Oh wait, you might have better luck with LA, San Francisco, Portland, Spokane or some combo of them. Or maybe you know everyone in Montana—some people do. You can get more details here.
And don’t give me any of that Radiohead lip about how you should get the whole record for free because no one owns content any more and the money’s in merch anyway. These guys are musicians, not t-shirt salesmen or millionaires from the 90’s, so stop being such a dick.