Haley Bonar and her Candy Machine Gun all up in my head
I seem to be in the grips of another “favorite song” but then that term doesn’t mean to me what it does to most of you.
Most people have a pedestrian understanding of the concept. Thankfully the great Chuck Berry provided the entirely acceptable Roll Over Beethoven as an example of the self-referential meme generations ahead of schedule.
But while most people seem to have A favorite song, or maybe a favorite song this year…I’ve had one every couple weeks for most of this life. Ever since they left me alone with the record player. 🙂
Of course before I knew how to tune the radio, I played all mom’s classical records. Still a lot of those old horses I like.
Dodging the topic of how old (or not) I am, I’m just old enough to expect others will look on me as odd if I relate too much to people 20 years younger than I. Even if I do…
Back to that “Post Title” up above me…I can’t get Haley Bonar’s song Candy Machine Gun out of my head right now. Whenever there’s a silence long enough for two brain cells to rub together, it comes splashing up from my short-term memory and just fills it in like a warm, slightly malevolent (although mainly in the lyrics) rainshower.
Previous favorite song, Atmosphere’s “She’s Enough”, you remain in good company, and will damn sure get me bouncing if not outright shaking my ass. But meet Haley. She and her lemonade flavored poison are gonna be here a while.