Exclusive interview with Sam Burchfield: From American Idol to American Dream
I love multi-faceted, versatile artists, and Sam Burchfield definitely fits the bill. His influences range from funk and soul to folk. He’s no stranger to huge audiences, having chosen to walk away from the American Idol frenzy in order to continue pushing his own original music. This Atlanta-born southern boy can croon with the best of them and effortlessly jump into any genre he pleases. Take a gander at his latest single, ironically titled “Spring” (released this fall), and read on to dive deeper into this fiercely talented emerging artist.
Americana Lady: I’m loving your new single, “Spring”. Was releasing it in the fall a deliberate juxtaposition?
Sam Burchfield: Thanks! It was definitely something I was aware people would notice. I think we were really excited to get the song out there, and the idea of just holding on to it for 6 months so it could coincide with the season just wasn’t appealing. Also just wanted to give the southern hemisphere some love, ya know?