Iowa to Los Angeles…
Never had a Facebook account and gleefully killed the MySpace page some time ago….yet here I am checking in from lala land hoping this new ND community thang works out. It’s a funny push and pull between the frequent desire for organic disconnect (songwriter) and the love/addiction for digital community (mostly broke-ass songwriter).
So I followed my wife’s new non-profit medical gig to Los Angeles about seven months ago from Iowa City. Some random observations from a corn-cob feeling his way: 1. The Cinema Bar rocks. Randy Weeks directed me to this great little honky-tonk. 2. People have been very nice and I need to learn more Spanish. 3. LA actually sleeps. Sunday mornings are glorious quiet. 4. It’s greener than I thought it would be and Griffith Park has little mountains for hiking. 5. Driving in LA traffic is like taking trucker speed. And I’ve driven on tour in Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin etc. and nothing has been like this traffic. 6. Taco stands. 7. Hollywood Film/TV song licensing biz has been instantly more profitable for an obscure songwriter like me. Thank God! 8. Mariachi bands… and taco stands are worth mentioning twice.
Cheers from Hollywood!
kelly pardekooper
Some recent music news. I just got word that my song “Down” from the Haymaker Heart album will be used on the new SUNDANCE CHANNEL SERIES “ECO TRIP: THE REAL COST OF LIVING”, HOSTED BY DAVID DE ROTHSCHILD TO PREMIERE APRIL 21st at 9pm EST.
My mother is happy to hear that the same song “Down” is going to be used on HGTV’s “DON’T SWEAT IT” program. For those who don’t know, HGTV is Home & Garden TV and my mother loves the gardening gig. Not sure why “Down” is the popular song…another happy Em ode is always in demand I suppose.
And finally, a Burbank company called 1K Studios just licensed my song “Can’t Go There”, a spare duet tune I recorded with Bo Ramsey for the House of Mud album. 1K Studios produced and directed Bob Dylan: Highway 61 Interactive. I’ll keep you posted as I learn more on this song placement.