Is this the end of Album’s/ CDs?
Okay, I had a bit of a revelation today while trying to sort through stacks of CDs, mostly without cases, too many with nothing written on them. I propped up a portable CD player on the table and made of couple of Dr. Seuss-looking stacks of CDs around it.
Halfway through the morning I stuck in a mystery CD and heard a single cut from our own CD, Karmageddon. We have seven CDs, and are trying to release yet another one. We write a lot of songs. Thing is, this song knocked me out. It’s one of Maggie’s, and is cut seven or eight on that CD. It’s the first time that song ever snuck up and slapped me. Damn, it was good, and I never really appreciated it.
One of our CD players, the one in the main room of the house, is a Sony three-hundred disc changer, and it’s always full and always on shuffle.
So, here’s the question, as brief as I’ll ever be – Is it time to forget the concept of a 10 – 15 song CD/ Album? Looking back over ours, I’m not sure, any more, if anyone ever listens to the whole thing. I don’t. When I get CDs, either bought or traded with other bands, I write down who it is, stick it in shuffle and wait. One song at a time. It’s the Tractors, followed by Johnny Cash, followed by Laura Love followed by Ricky Lee Jones followed by….you get it.
I listened to a five-song EP from a band I’ve never heard of today called Slithering Beast. The music was great. I listened to every song, then wondered if I would’ve done the same had it been fifteen songs? I doubt it.
I listen to songs one at a time now. I can’t remember the last time I put in an album and listened to the whole thing. Yet, we still release our precious songs that way. Are you aware of your own changes in listening? In recording? In expecting your audience to sit still for every song on your CD?
Are you releasing singles? Have we gone full circle to the days of 45’s?
I would really like to hear from you, and what direction your headed in, because I truly want to rethink how we release our songs in the future.