Light A Candle
Light a candle in your window tonight…
Last Friday we found ourselves in Newtown, Connecticut and there was the sign for Sandy Hook. We gasped. We had exited the freeway to refuel and it was pure coincidence that we should arrive here just a week before the ‘anniversary’ of this tragic incident. The word ‘anniversary’ seems so inappropriate as it suggests some kind of celebration.
But it wasn’t until the following week, when I was driving back from New York to Nashville, that it really hit me. There was a show on the radio about that day and about the parents of those twenty small children who lost their lives that day. And it really HIT ME and I really wept…
Perhaps if we really let ourselves FEEL these kind of tragic events, we will really want to do something about stopping them in the future, not just move on to the next news item. Not glorify the assassins by releasing their names to the press. Not kid ourselves that easy access to huge amounts of ammunition and weaponry isn’t a big part of the problem…
Let’s make something hopeful out of these young lives. ‘Light a candle.’
Rest In Peace.