marching towards finishing the album
yesterday was fun – only one band practice and so we hella made it count. recording master tracks for what four – five songs? a solid train of work from noon until 6pm with only a ten minute break for fooding. not bad. the vocal retakes are always the hardest for me. making sure i get the sound i want. singing the exact right way i have it in my head. thankfully i only sing on some of the songs and not all. Jim – our producer, added some amazing touches of banjo and piano on a few numbers which of course got us thinking of adding more and it’s fun – to see how far you can take it. i am a huge believer in take it too far and then step back to see what sticks.
we may go back in tonight to finish? up and get the rest of the most important stuff done.depending on the timing i may bring my saw in to get some good ghostly sounds. i am getting better at it. i still need to get a cheaper saw so it’s more easily bendy but i love the ghostly echo of it. So. Much.
the vagabondage album should be done by end of summer. it sounds so good we may actually have to figure out how to get real packaging. i want to start sending both the Rhubarb Whiskey EP and the Vagabondage album off to labels and see if anyone bites. i am compiling a list of where and how but this is all new territory for me. why not though. why the hell not.