Middle Brother Releases Self-Titled Track On Facebook Fan Page
Normally, there aren’t very many surprises to be found by going on Facebook in the morning. So and so can’t sleep, this or that movie was great last night, incoherent ramblings from the bottom of a whiskey bottle, etc. This morning was different however. Middle Brother posted a new track, aptly named “Middle Brother,” on their fan page this morning.
With their debut album set to drop in just under a week, “Middle Brother” proves that a Dawes/Deer Tick/Delta Spirit was a combination just waiting to happen. The track is a perfect blend of catchy pop and rock with a vintage feel; a track as relevant today as it could have been in any early rock n roll jukebox. Definitely a small taste worth checking out. The full album is scheduled for release on March 1st, courtesy of the fine folks at Partisan Records.
“Like” the Middle Brother Fan Page on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/middlebrother