Missouri Humanities Council Provides Funding For the Strings Attached Project
The Missouri Humanities Council (MHC) has awarded a grant of $2500 to the St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Ferguson in support of the Strings Attached project. The MHC is the only state-wide agency in Missouri devoted exclusively to humanities education for citizens of all ages. It has served as a state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities since 1971.
The Strings Attached project began in 2009 and serves over 200 Ferguson and St. Louis youth with non profit music education classes in guitar and ukulele. Grant funds provided by the MHC will help the project purchase audio visual equipment and supply youth and their families with music books for use in classes. It will also help create a unique storybook library for project families on the lives of influential musicians such Duke Ellington, Ellla Fitzgerald, Benny Goodman, Django Reinhardt and many others. The project uses American roots music to educate local youth in playing instruments.
For more information about Strings Attached project, visit http://www.stringsattached.info
For more information about the grants program of the Missouri Humanities Council, call 314/781-9660 or 800/357-0909 or write to the MHC,543 Hanley Industrial Court, Suite 205, St. Louis, Missouri 63144-1905