My first ever blog entry.
Hello readers of the No Depression online community forum. I am new to this whole online community and social networking means of communication. I am likely one of the few 30 and under individuals that does not have an account for a blog, a myspace page, a facebook page, a twitter page (what is that?) or anything of that type. The most online communication that I have done in the past involves leaving some comments on message boards of news stories that I read from various newspaper and magazine web sites. My most frequent form of online communication would involve just the standard online email account to keep in touch with family and friends. Funny how it is thought that standard communication is email or the cell phone these days and not the standard friendly letter, isn’t it?
To be quite honest, I have currently decided not to create a myspace or facebook page or anything of that kind as I see it as just another thing to pay attention to in life. I guess what I am saying is that I don’t want to have a life in an online world of communication to become like some kind of a chore. I would think that most everyone is busy enough in life with events going on in the real world (i.e., non internet) to add yet something else to the daily To Do list. Of course, with the ever growing popularity of these social networking web sites my theory of this notion tends to prove incorrect. Perhaps I just view the online world differently than most and feel a sense of obligation to actively contribute to it with the creation of an online account. It is kind of like I am a useless user taking up space on a web page host server if I create an account and do not actively engage with the created self in communique with the other online created selves from various parts of the online world.
I write all of this to say that while this is my first ever blog post I hope to not get any kind of “addiction” like many others in the online community. I will make some posts in the No Depression online community forum and post to this blog on occasion when I think I have something that others may want to read (or not read). It is just that I do not know how often that I will blog or post in ongoing discussions in the future. I do though hope to make it worthwhile for myself, the readers of the online blog, and the space consumed on the web page host server.
Found this article from McClatchy Newspapers wire while blogging about blogging and social networking. Take a look at it if you want.
Go and Sin No More: Many have given up Facebook for Lent