NPR Music app on iPhone – a mixed bag
Posted On October 30, 2012
I recently took the NPR Music App for a spin on my iPhone. Here’s what I found.
The Good:
- There is what looks like thousands of hours of great music and music podcasts both curated with loving detail and available for streaming straight from your phone.
- A fun & easy to use user interface for browsing all that content.
- Full episodes of Thistle & Shamrock! Woohoo!
The Bad:
- The actual streaming interface is very weak. You can basically control only the volume, and that’s it.
- Wait, what? You don’t remember where I was in that 1-hour podcast I was just listening to? Really?
- Panning through a 1-hour podcast is painful and clumsy. You can only hit about a five minute granularity.
The Ugly:
- Driving around town (with four+ bars of cell service) causes the streaming to stop… very often!
- When the streaming stops, it completely forgets where I was and makes me have to restart from the beginning or try to pan to where I was, with its terrible panning control… while driving!
- So, basically this app is unusable while driving, making it significantly less useful to me.
The bottom line — lots of potential here, but please get your tech together, NPR.
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