OK, who’s got Duane Jarvis videos?
Went onto ye olde YouTube tonight and typed in Duane Jarvis but was surprised to get not much, and nothing I could find of Duane actually doing his own songs. Surely some such footage exists. Would love to see it if any of y’all out there have some to share.
Best item I found — and it’s a good-un — is this bit of our old friend Hayseed doing Duane’s “There Is A Light” (which was featured in the fine baseball movie The Rookie many moons ago):
If I could go back in time and record something in my memory, it’d be April 30, 1994, one afternoon at the original (and tiny) location of Cellophane Square Records in Seattle. Duane was playing a record-release gig for his then-new Medium Cool Records disc D.J.’s Front Porch, which I’d taken a real liking to. He played a few songs for the small crowd that had gathered and, at my request as I recall, delivered his terrific rendition of the Kinks’ “This Is Where I Belong” (which is on that album). That was long before the age of digital cameras so I can’t just find and embed the video for you…but I can tell you the image is still vivid in my mind.
Just wanted Duane, and all those who know Duane, to be aware that my thoughts are with him. There’s more here if you need to know.