You had me with “The Dark Lord,” and you sealed the deal with the melodica. The studio version of this track (get it here for free) throws in some really catchy hand claps, which is a total head fuck in a song that otherwise sounds like day four of a meth binge, but it works. It’s creepy-catchy and simplistically haunting, yet enticing, like a nightmare with lots of nudity.
Patrick Bower & the World Without Magic bring an eerie darkness to songs that you can’t help but also describe as otherwise poppish folk. If you’re on a handful of medications that include suicide warnings, you might want to stay away from it. Actually—scratch that— stay away from your meds, and check this out.
It ain’t exactly, road-trip-on-the-PCH-on-a-sunny-day-in-a-red-convertible music, but it’ll probably find a home in the dark recesses of that twisted area in your brain that tells you to do strange things in large crowds of normal people. Just don’t blame me if you’re grooving on this stuff and you accidentally summon the disturbed spirit of a hot chick in a sundress that OD’d in Laurel Canyon after an amazing party went in the wrong direction. You’ve been warned.
The Dark Lord of Love EP is out 3/30.