Steve at Telluride #13: Go ‘Cards!
The Greencards
Yeesh. This place will run you out of adjectives in a hurry. I saw the Greencards three or four years ago opening for Bob Dylan and Willie Nelson, and I remember thinking, “These guys would be a good fit for Telluride.” Well, here we all are, and damned if I wasn’t right. The Greencards today performed most of their comfy new album, Fascination, songs of delicate finesse—totally scrumpsh. And these guys are so talented at such a young age—the guitarist is only eighteen—they make me want to gouge out my eyes with my guitar pick. They were also charming and funny—two Aussies and a Brit, fiddler Eamon McLoughlin, who advised that we could stimulate a global economic recovery if we all bought their new record today. The ‘Cards were way in the pocket on several fast spidery instrumentals. And guess who showed up for their last song? Sam Bush, making his first appearance this year. The weather today? Shirtless. The crowd? Lovin’ life.
PS This place is still weak-kneed over last night’s David Byrne show. Greencards singer/bassist Carol Young announced officially that she was in love with Byrne, and multi-instrumentalist Kym Warner proclaimed last night’s show one of the most incredible he’s ever seen.
PSS The Fat Tires are going down quite easily today. Too easily? Stay tuned.